Renegade at Ringwood

Passage 27

Top-Ten Mountain Bike Rides, #4.

Reader-response poem



“What’s this

unmarked bike trail?”


“A respite from rocky Ringwood.”

Your favorite escape here:_______________________


“Jimbo’s going down.

He braked going over

that sharp rock.

No cursing .

He must be all right.”

Your crash here:


Matt , to himself:

“Guess I’ll lead

through the rock garden.

It’s a dip and shake.

Jimbo takes on the traverse.

Nice end-o turn

120 degrees

Next traverse

Another end-o turn.

He’s going for it!

Bottoming out  and up

solid rock.

Didn’t make it.”

Your best move here:



“Not enough momentum, Matt

It needs more rock’ n’ roll.”

Your best advice here:



“I’m not ready

For this technical shit.”

Your  deepest doubt here:



“Hard right.

The branches are lying left

for a reason.

I’m going over.


Your all- time thrill here:



“You’ve got to be kidding me.

Nice log -hopping

after that 8- foot drop.”

Your best compliment here:



“No air necessary.

Let yourself roll down.

Hang over your seat

and pedal over the logs.”

Your last encouragement here:



“ Well done ,mate,

Well done!

What’s this called?”

Your most frequent question here:




Your personal renegade move:



“Like you.”

Your best comparison of yourself to something else:


Autobiographical Exercise: complete the blank responses, and then string them togetherness without explanation or

Further comment.

The string can form a poem. Each of the responses can also be the nucleus of a poem.

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