Deer Run with Clouds

Passages #39

Summits poke

puffy clouds

hiding hamlets

from us skiers.

Where’s Fleischmanns?

Highmount’s gone.

We’re all alone here

at Belleayre.

and lovin’ it!

Deer Run all to



to heart beats


like a giant hammer.

Summits yoke

homeless clouds

shutting hamlets

for us drifters.

I heard there was work

at the Belleayre Resort

but some goon

turned me away

at Pine Hill.

“No project here.

Go home.

And don’t even think

of camping out

at Belleayre Beach.”

Summits joke

with fluffy clouds

gladdening hamlets

for us hikers.

Fog is no issue

for us 3500 Clubbers.

We like to snowshoe

with map and compass

to trail-less peaks

and pop up

above the clouds.

We’re all set–

red Osprey packs,

Gore-Tex gloves,

blue gaiters

GPS in hand.

We are psyched to summit Bearpen

for our winter patch.

Summits choke

migrating clouds

harassing hamlets

for us workers.

“Seven hundred jobs”

promised for this Resort.

I come here

from Matamoros

my compañero

from Nuevo Laredo

(escape gangs)

to build the 300 rooms in the new hotel and condos

and golf course and ski lodge and restaurants

and spa

and new lift towers–



dry-wall–no importa

how you say guarura?

Big Boss Man says, ” Move on.

Ilegales, no.”

Summits toke

laid-back clouds

mellowing hamlets

for us riders.


Kaitlin, Jo-Jo–

let’s ride the woods.

I’ll film our sweet turns

and drop-downs.

Stylin’ in blue and yellow pants

checkered jackets

hips hugging the pitch

Go-Pro helmet.

I’m lifting the rope.

She’s sparking up.

We’re making

our own cloud

here in the trippy glades.

Summits are woke–

political clouds

fooling hamlets

and us voters.

Yeah, we got


but still no jobs.

What Infrastructure?

Who cares about the Wall

here in Ulster County?

Gitter died,

and the Resort’s investors

just pocketed their tax cuts

and ran.

I hear


are slippin’ in

from Québec.

I’m wide awake

and I’m mad as hell.

Summits  broke

Trumpian clouds

freeing hamlets

from bad leaders.

So, I’m a lift attendant.

At least I’m warm

bundled up in my blue and white

Giants hoodie,

Carhartt pants

CAT work boots.

This summit cabin

is better than

blowing snow outside all night long.

My healthcare

still covers

my diabetes.

Kicked out the dipshits

who would take that


Pre-existing conditions, my ass!

I pre-existed them politicians

back to where they came from.

Next up,


Time for

a Pennsylvania Avenue


Summits spoke–

Muellerian clouds

warning hamlets

and us readers.

I’m going to bed;

groomed Deer Run

all night.

Dave Matthews band

my company in the PistenBully.

(He’s helping out in Charlottesville.

rehabbing public housing with his own money.)

Come on,

release the report.

I don’t need BuzzFeed,

just the indictments

and more convictions.

Watch out

for a convenient war in Iran

when the Special Counsel’s


He’ll be done.

We’ll be done.

1 thought on “Deer Run with Clouds

  1. Well done. Your sarcasm and scorn for the travesty of this Trumpian government comes through loud and clear. I like the contrast you paint, both in word and photos, between the ski resort owners and patrons and the behind the scenes struggle of the workers trying to survive under an inhumane regime. I find it hard to write about Trump and his fellow autocrats with any subtlety or poetic lyricism. I think it’s because their behaviors and values are so outrageous and destructive.

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