Photo Credit: Hervé Horner
To capture a jun-jun
one must frattle it
to the point just before death.
If you expel your breath
and inhale its
you will escape the tedium
of consumerism
and attain a perfect zahone.
Quisty: Jun-Jun , you giant cucumber
I’m glad you like lypo-lyho.
Jun -jun: Your tedspot body turns me on.
Aubergine and fraise priseur me.
Q: How cularmus you are , you hunk.
Bum-dum-a-rum-lum and all that.
J-j: With your tiny hands you massage
me to an eksalivium.
Q: Stermon! Time to move off this stump
and find a room for some frattle.
J-J: You never cease to shastoni
me, Quisty. You are the zahone!
J-J: Do you have a cigarette?
That was a really good frattle.
Q: Wait! After eksalivium
that’s all you have to say?
J-J: I’m really sleepy.
Not easy being a stermon.
Q: I was hoping to move away
from our two-dimensional lives.
J-J: Tutanota! Maybe we’re transparent
enough. Too much libinal. Ouch!
Q: Our first fight. See , now I’m crying.
I need less zahone and more kingtal.