My Kind of Wall

It’s cold out here–

so I sit in the sun.


Me and my buddy

could use hot rum.


No warm-up job

with knees that won’t run.


I was expecting you

to come looking for fun.


Taking their pictures,

but let me see me. Done?


Have you noticed the one

smiling face on the wall?


He looks like me–

minus my black cap,

sunglasses, stash,

black leather jacket,

minus everything, except

my black face–

He’s a leader I’d follow—bar none.


He had the force to stun

his guards on Robben Island.

“I had a long holiday for 27 years.”


In prison he caught heat,

“What are you, Afrikaan?”

He read their poetry

to understand the troops

and master the master

better his tricks to shun.


And he keeps on smiling

his people’s cause he won.

So why aren’t you, my friend?


again, why aren’t you?


I’m not smiling either.

I promise. It’ll come……

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