“President for Life.” I think that’s great!
“Stolen election” I WON, bigly.
(Nostrils flare, face reddens) no loser!
(Arms open wide, palms up) Believe me.
He was weak, I am strong. Tremendous
turnout, seventy-four mill-i-ons!
No way Biden had eighty mill-i-ions!
We rallied at the Capitol– a great
halt to the Joint Session– tremendous!
(Two karate chops slice air) Bigly
red-hatted legion for me– Believe me–
they didn’t storm in for a loser.
They say democracy’s the loser.
(looks up at the sky) Those mill-i-ons
who voted for me won. Believe me.
I wear the imperial purple. Great
men wear the Mandate of Heaven. Bigly
triumph of the will—so tremendous!
“In God We Trust” my motto. Tremendous!
No pardon for the old sad loser.
Pardons for my patriots– bigly!
Warp-speed vaccines for the mill-i-ons!
They trust my stable genius, my great
and unmatched wisdom– Believe me!
The impeachment’s a witch hunt— believe me.
I’m reinstated– no trial– tremendous
victory for democracy. Great
men make history. Literature for the loser.
Books, what are they good for? Mill-i-ons
hang on my tweets. China fears me, bigly.
The Supreme Court affirms me, bigly.
My judges decide to believe me.
My party fears primaries. Mill-i-ons
mobilize in the streets. Tremendous
takeovers of state houses. The loser?
All who think I can’t make America great!
His sad face, bigly. Pronounced jaw, tremendous.
Mouth clamped. Believe me, no one likes a loser.
Smiles to himself. The mill-i-ons see what’s great.