Light-blue eyes force a tear.
(I don’t doubt her bruise.)
A day of sorrow seems a year.
Yellow hair frames her fear.
Bombings are her news.
Light-blue eyes force a tear.
Tanks burn. Ukrainian jets veer
back to base. For air crews,
a day of sorrow seems a year.
She crawls out, the All-Clear
horn drowns out her blues.
Light-blue eyes force a tear.
“Are you pregnant?” Russians jeer.
“You will be.” So she plays her ruse.
A day of sorrow seems a year.
Molotov cocktail greets their sneer.
Oksana gave no clues.
Light-blue eyes force a tear.
A day of sorrow seems a year.
Credits: Montreal Street Art
Wow, wow, very powerful. And truly sad. You’ve done a great job here, Jim, all the lines flow naturally. I gasped at the line – “Pregnant? You will be.” 🙁 🙁 So horrible.