Copyright 2023 James C Horner
An angry man far from home
not one to quiet quit
a man of twists and turns,
he battled Sirens,
Six-headed Hydra,
giant Whirlpool,
cannibal Cyclops.
But he knew beast mode would not fly.
How to talk of that lonely man?
Beyoncé sings of her muse,
her daughter Blue Ivy.
Poet Tripetta Mason
showed me how it’s done,
this Philly poetry jawn.
Shout out to Charlotte,
who laid it on me
I need to write poems
if I prompt others
to face their fears in writing.
What’s it like, this terror of the blank page?
First contact in a chilly swimming pool
goosebumps when I stretch my hands
dolphin kick and dive under
the bow wave I’ve created.
After two laps,
it’s not so wack,
this loneliness.