Macías, O Namorado, the last Galician troubadour
The inscription reads “Captive of My Sadness”
No, not again, never will I love one
like you: Radiant. Terrific. Humble.
Life was not designed to be so much fun.
To win you, my heart lunged, and took a tumble
into your sticky mouth: Beauty’s web was spun.
Vibrating summer rains and a jumble
of naked joy were nothing I would shun.
For us, whipped cream and strawberry crumble.
Yes, yet again, ever the hopeful fool,
driving a hundred miles to glimpse my beloved.
More taken with the game, I lost my cool.
Mediocre player in love, shoved
aside like clicking balls in pocket pool,
still I shoot for that Yes where love will sing and rule.