Cobblestones tilt my tread
knock me off balance
a sea of humanity cannot quench
my thirst for beauty
No drinking in Vatican Museums
SILENZIO! No hats, men! Off!
No video in the Sistine Chapel
How you deal with that?
I wonder how Michelangelo
stayed hydrated
way up next to God
Walking back to Hotel Assisi
I too thirst
when I hear running water
What’s this hole in the ground?
An iron fountain gushing
acqua acqua acqua
from a rounded spout
shaped like a big Roman nose
I wait in line stoop
fill my blue bottle
drink the 50-degree
mountain spring water
It sits in the back of my mouth
so pleasant, so smooth
It’s so…It’s like…
a poem with no end -stops
no stanzas or rhyme scheme
no point except to flow
twenty-four hours a day
for the enjoyment of the dog
lapping it up from a bowl
left at the big nose’s gurgling base