Inky clouds mass on Mount Olympus today.
Ozone fills the air – pungent, sickly sweet.
Gods dispute who shall punish Trump.
Like his administration, chaos
roils the snowy peak. Cyclops-crafted
thunderbolts flank Zeus. Such hubris threatens
his supremacy. Hera, Nemesis,
Athena, Apollo, each have grievances
requiring an avenging stroke.
Trump hoists himself above society’s laws.
Mortals see no consequences for pride.
Trump’s many adulteries and rapes
re-ignite Hera’s hurts by Zeus. Jealous rage
flows toward Donald. Goddess of birth and marriage,
Hera will right the wrongs against Melania,
against Barron with a storm for Stormy Daniels.
Athena, goddess of wisdom and war,
protects heroes like Odysseus,
punishes the arrogant, like Trump.
”On January 6, Trump’s thugs despoiled
my shrine. Atop the Capitol stands
the Statue of Freedom. In my right hand,
a sheathed sword, in my left, a laurel crown,
victory, and a shield.
It is I , Athena!”
For those who lose her favor,
ever grievous is Athena’s anger.
When Trump prophesied, “I will be your retribution,”
he defied Apollo doubly. Firstly,
as god of prophecy, and secondly,
as god of retribution. Pure hubris.
Apollo will not let such an insult stand.
“Supreme archer, I can launch my arrow
to bring the plague, or as you mortals call it,
a pandemic. Trump did not heed my warning.
‘COVID will go away by itself.’
I meddle in human affairs,
guided the arrow of Paris,
who killed Achilles by wounding his heel.
But I too sinned against Zeus,
killed the python, child of Gaia.
To restore the balance, Zeus made me a slave
for nine years so I could repent of my sins.
To purify myself ,
I bathed in the waters of Peneus;
Zeus himself performed the rite.
Now I am known as the god of healing,
who purified himself of his sins,
who made men realize their hubris
to help purify them too.
Will Trump listen this time?
I pity the fool.”
“And what is hubris?” Nemesis wonders.
“Narcissism and an inflated sense
of self-worth. A disconnect from reality.
Amassing riches on the backs of the poor.
Trump may be inspiring others, but
inflamed by me, his red-hatted followers
will waken. I will be his Nemesis!”
Zeus sputters, “Only I receive worship.
Who is this orange man demanding fealty?
He commands, he threatens, and then he plays–
Golf—the mortals call it. Storm clouds blacken.
Trump cries, ‘One more hole!’
My lightning launches.”
A great and profound. Work of art
I will jar to read it several times. Again and again
Can. You send me a pdf. Form.
Jack. Breen.